Slider Turtles

The colors that you can see on slider turtles are usually red or olive green. The skin and shell of a slider turtle is splotched with red or yellow. Some slider turtles have a dash of red behind their eyes and they are called red-eared sliders. Another subspecies is the yellow-bellied slider, they have yellow blotches behind the eyes and yellow markings on the belie. The yellow marking from the bellies that tend to reduce as they grow older.

The Behavior Of The Slider Turtles

Slider turtles are vegetarians and they prefer a vegetarian diet. On warm days they gather in groups and stack themselves on each other. The whole stack will plunge in the water if they get frightened. Except the hibernation period, they are very active throughout the year. Slider turtles can been seen only in the morning, when they start the feeding activity or when they are basking in the sun. They are usually sleeping at the bottom of the water or floating on the surface. The Slider turtle is very aggressive during the mating season, they tend to bite and ram other turtles. The nesting and mating season occurs during April and July.

Locations Of The Slider Turtles

They usually are located in the Lower South-Eastern United States and they live in ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, sinkholes, sloughs and bays. They usually migrate from place to place.

Specific Types of Turtles:

  • The Bog Turtles - There are small turtles in the world, but the Bog turtle is the smallest and is one of the most rare turtles around. The Bog turtle rarely grows four inches.
  • The Musk Turtles - Musk turtles, also known as stinkpots, seem to prefer deep, still water in lakes, ponds, and sluggish streams with muddy bottoms and an abundance of plant life.
  • The Painted Turtles - The Painted Turtle must be the most common widespread turtle. Their size varies between five and six inches, so they are among the small sized turtles.
  • The Slider Turtles - The colors that you can see on slider turtles are usually red or olive green. The skin and shell of a slider turtle is splotched with red or yellow.
  • The Snapping Turtles - The "Most Dangerous" award goes to the snapping turtle, out of all the turtle species. Snapping turtles have long necks and powerful jaws that combined with the vicious temper make them very hard to handle safely.
  • The Soft Shell Turtles - They are called Soft Shell Turtles but their shell is not soft at all, actually their shells are as hard as any turtle shell.
  • The Box Turtles - Box turtles are a land species but they can occasionally be found near or in the water. They prefer swamps of moist open woods but they are very well adapted to live on land.
  • The Mud Turtles - Mud turtles are divided into five species, K. baurii, K. Subrubrum, K.s. hippocrepis, K. flavescens, and the K.hirtopes murrayi. The colors of the mud turtles tend to be dull, compared to other types of turtles.